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Solar Eclipse Energy Activation

Heal The Healer


Unleash the Power of the Dark Feminine

Align with the Light of the Divine Mother


Are you ready to Ignite the Flame of your Healing Potential?

The Moon, the Sun and Dark Moon Lilith are in exact alignment

A gateway in the fabric of Time is opening, revealing the hidden fears from your past lives as the Healer, the Priestess, the Religious Leader and Spiritual Guide that have limited your capacity to shine your light and make the difference you are here to make in this lifetime.

Now is the time to take an energetic leap and intentionally align with your Soul Purpose, disconnecting the karmic energy ties to your past.

Don’t miss this cosmic opportunity to elevate your life and walk your Soul Pathway.

Discover how this eclipse will affect you personally

Connect with your higher self and the consciousness of the Universe

Heal your Healer Wounds- Deepen your Spiritual Connection – Intensify your Healing Potential

When: Wednesday 2nd October 8pm – 9.30pm. The session will be recorded if you can’t join live.


Meet your Guide

Sam is the visionary behind AstroEnergetics® a fusion of contemporary science, psychology, transformative energy methods, and the ancient wisdom of astrology.

She is a Master EAM mentor and Channel for Star Goddess Activations.

Sam simplifies and demystifies energy therapy and astrology without diluting their transformational power and effect. 

With Sam in your corner and the power of the planets in your back pocket you can find the freedom within yourself to become the person you are meant to be.

Follow the Sun, Moon and Stars, alongside your own inner guidance system so you can Live More, Be More and Have More. 

Sam’s unwavering belief is that self-discovery at its deepest level holds the key to a happy and successful life. She invites you to dive into a world where spirituality meets practicality, and empowerment knows no bounds.

People who have worked with Sam have said:

"Sam's knowledge and expertise, her intuition and gentleness at guiding you is extraordinary."

"A pleasure to work with you Sam. Your energy was open, welcoming and non-judgemental.
I felt listened to and that you shed light
on certain things/words I said. You revealed my blind spots which is a real gift."

"Your coaching and support have been insightful and invaluable to me. I have felt that your style of
teaching and the wisdom you impart really resonate with me, and the way you deliver it is magical."

"Sam is an exceptional and experienced coach who is deeply intuitive, receptive , warm and can
99% of the time listen to you with a finger on your energy unlike anyone I know."

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