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Summer Solstice Moon Circle 2024

Activate the Astrological Pivot Point of the Summer Solstice

Discover Who You Truly Are

When You Heal Your Identity Wound

Experience True Self-Love When You Heal the Wound of Not-Enough-Ness

Self-Respect and Self-Belief Anchored At The Core of Your Being

Personal Empowerment Your Springboard to Success

Join me on Saturday 22nd June from 9.30 until 12.30 as I guide a select group of light infused souls through the energy portal that is the Summer Solstice

Can’t make the date?

Everything is recorded so you can watch, learn and heal in your own time.




The certainty in your voice when you tell someone what you do, how you do it, your fee and the results your clients achieve. You know your worth, you are confident and comfortable with receiving, money flows into your bank, new clients into your diary.


Chilling out watching TV with an inner sigh of relief because you said NO to the party invitation without adding on an excuse and a layer of guilt.


Sitting at the kitchen table having a whole-hearted, open and honest family chat, the elephant in the room addressed without door slamming and angry crying, a win win for everyone.


Waking up overflowing with enthusiasm and vitality for the day ahead, time for a dog walk and breakfast, time to fill up your cup, so you can support others and avoid the overwhelm that comes with over-giving.

The Solstice is Divinely Timed with a Full Moon in Capricorn

The Sun in Cancer, the sign of the Mother

The Moon in Capricorn, the sign of the Father

A Deep Healing of Past Generations,

The Parental Line Has Been Initiated


This is the perfect time to heal the split in your Masculine and Feminine Energy so you can emulate the effortless ease and grace of the natural world and choreograph your own dance with the Two Guiding Principles of Masculine and Feminine Energy.

This is opening a gateway into a healing and energy activation phase specifically designed to heal your Parental Wounds.

Trauma, unconscious decisions and fear can cause you to resist or“get stuck” in masculine or feminine energy

This will feel like...

  • Powerlessness

  • Anxiety

  • Pushing through

  • Burnout

  • Oversensitivity

  • Co-dependency

  • Afraid of standing on your own two feet

  • Micromanaging

  • Overly competitive

  • Confrontational aggression

  • Needing to be needed

Parental Wounding makes you to feel uncertain, ungrounded, unsafe

It limits your potential, it is rooted in where you come from

Putting the brakes on where you are going

These wounds show up as being resistant to receiving

and always giving.

It is the wound of not-enough-ness. 


It will manifest in your relationships with your family, partners and children.

And in your relationship with money, support, time and ultimately your health and wellness.

This wound will stop you from achieving your full potential and looks like....

  • Struggling to charge what you are worth.

  • Giving away your time and energy for little or no reward, saying Yes all the time rather than No.

  • Gaining your value from what other people say about you rather than from your own sense of self-worth - needing to be needed.

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of jobs on your to do list, leading to panic and emotional breakdowns, explosive anger or floods of tears.

  • Placing yourself at the bottom of the pile of importance - procrastination and stagnation.

  • Over giving on everything you do (raising my hand at the same time as typing this!).

Use the pivot point of the year the Summer Solstice and the Full Moon to unlock your past and your future,

Build the solid foundations you need so you can reach for the stars, discover and follow your soul and life purpose

Meet your Guide

Sam is the visionary behind AstroEnergetics® a fusion of contemporary science, psychology, transformative energy methods, and the ancient wisdom of astrology. She is a Master EAM mentor and Channel for Star Goddess Activations.

Her unique ability lies in simplifying and demystifying energy therapy and astrology without diluting its transformational power and effect. 

Through divine guidance, she serves as a mentor, educator, and guide to women spiritual entrepreneurs seeking to reveal, heal and activate both their masculine and feminine energies. The result? More peace, joy, prosperity, and stability in their lives. Aligned action alongside quantum level receiving.

Her passion is exploring feminine energy signatures enabling her clients to abandon and release years of destructive ancestral energetic patterns, so that the same patterns are not passed onto their children.

By studying her clients’ natal charts, Sam uses her finely tuned intuition to uncover exactly what patterns are present, what needs to be explored and the pathway to the root cause.Sam’s unwavering belief is that self-discovery at its deepest level holds the key to a happy and successful life.

She invites you to dive into a world where spirituality meets practicality, and empowerment knows no bounds.

People who have joined my online retreats and programmes have said:

"Sams knowledge and expertise, her intuition and gentleness at guiding you is extraordinary."

"I thought it was brilliant. So interesting and I think it's amazing to be able to combine EAM with Astrology."

"Sam is a beautiful soul with a warm and bubbly personality that puts you at ease instantly. I felt safe and comfortable to share info and ask questions."

"Sam is a fab presenter who shares her energy with all and her knowledge is brilliant - no question was left unanswered and her style is warm and inclusive. Had a great day and experience - thank you."

"Sam is an exceptional and experienced coach who is deeply intuitive, receptive , warm and can 99% of the time listen to you with a finger on your energy unlike anyone I know."

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